Local Adviceline: 0808 278 7893 

Privacy Notice 

At Citizens Advice Hillingdon we collect and use your personal information to help solve your problems, improve our services and tackle wider issues in society that affect people’s lives. 
We only ask for the information we need. We always let you decide what you’re comfortable telling us, we explain why we need to collect data and treat it as confidential.  

When we record and use your personal information we: 

• only access it when we have a good reason 
• only share what is necessary and relevant 
• don’t sell it to anyone. 
We handle and store your personal information in line with the law – including the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. 

How Citizens Advice Hillingdon collect your data

The national Citizens Advice charity and local office (Citizens Advice Hillingdon) are both responsible for keeping your personal information safe and making sure we follow data protection law. This means we're a 'joint data controller' for your personal information. Your local office will record your personal information on a national computer system called Casebook. We have rules and controls to stop people accessing or using your information when they shouldn’t. 

How Citizens Advice Hillingdon shares your data 

We also ask for your consent to share your data with relevant third parties where necessary in order to assist you, or where the funder of the service we are assisting you under wants us to do so. We will always explain who we are sharing your data with and why we are sharing it. 
You can find out more about your data rights on the Information Commissioner’s website.